Books and Articles
Chief Petty Officer's Guide
2nd Edition
With Foreword by:
MCPON John Hagan, USN (Ret.), 8th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
It is well known that although officers may "run the Navy", Navy Chiefs "make the Navy run!" Paul wrote the book on how they do that. Whether a newly selected Chief, an aspiring petty officer looking for advice on preparation to advance to Chief, or a Commanding Officer looking for a tool to offer their wardroom or CPO mess, there is something to learn from this guide! Each chapter offers insights on the values, attitudes, skills, and relationships which enable CPO success, including checklists for self and team improvement in key areas of leadership and management.
Coming Spring 2022!!
Petty Officer's Guide
With Foreword by:
MCPON Russell Smith, USN, 15th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Serving as the premiere direct-level leadership guide for junior enlisted leaders, this handy and ready guide provides content which enhances basic and intermediate U.S. Navy leadership and management courses. It is written to expose junior and aspiring petty officers to innovative and modern leadership methodologies. Topics include how to use power bases, influence tactics, and managerial skills to achieve objectives; improving interpersonal communication skills; and how to develop a strong network of peers to help achieve goals and organizational objectives.
Cutlass Blog
My guest bloggers and I offer our insights, opinions, advice, and musings in our articles on a variety of leadership and management topics. Click here to see what we're thinking about